
Portugal is one of the best countries for a foreigner to own, says Forbes

30 May 2019 min de leitura
Portugal was chosen by Forbes as one of the seven best countries to welcome foreign citizens who are looking for a second home or a European passport. The American magazine gives a special highlight to the country, which offers numerous tax advantages to those who "come from outside".
The planted seaside country continues to succeed across borders. This time, in an article addressed to US citizens, Forbes presented a 'ranking' of the best places to get residency in Europe. Portugal appears in sixth place, ahead of neighboring Spain, but it gains prominence in every publication.
Gold visas are referenced as an advantage - the program predicts that investing 350,000 euros in a property with more than 30 years or 500,000 euros in a newer property if it obtains a residence visa - but they are not the only ones. He tells Forbes that there is still a possibility for a foreign citizen to donate 250,000 euros to support Portuguese art or prove that he can pay the minimum rent of 1,200 euros per month to get a residence visa - as long as he remains physically in the 183 days per year, in the latter case.
The US magazine also highlights the Non-Resident Resident (RNH) regime, which can grant IRS exemption on earned income.
The ranking is led by Cyprus. In second place Greece appear, and to close the Top 3 to Latvia.

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