
How are the Portuguese summer holidays going to be this year?

14 Jun 2019 min de leitura
When the time comes to set holidays between June and September, the vast majority of Portuguese (77%) decide to leave the comfort of home and seek to relax in another destination. Within Portugal, the choice is mainly on tourist accommodation in the Algarve. Already who is going to spend the holidays abroad, goes mainly to Spain.
This summer of 2019, "77% of the Portuguese are going to take vacations away from home in the period from June to September of this year, a figure close to that calculated in the same period of 2018 (80.4%)", reveals an IPDT study that the support of Soltrópic, made known this week.
Still, "the expectation for vacation enjoyment is very positive with the Algarve being the destination of choice, in a choice that places Portugal at the top of the preferences for 40% of the respondents," said in a statement, quoted by Lusa, the president of the Tourism Planning and Development Institute (IPDT), António Jorge Costa.
With regard to holiday spending, the estimates point to an average of 434 euros, which corresponds to a unit cost of 59 euros per night, "a consumption similar to that of 2018".
According to data from the IPDT, among those surveyed, those who choose to travel abroad, 28% choose Europe as a destination, especially Spain.
According to the study, about 44% of the respondents stated that they have booked their holidays through the internet, with the main motivation for the trip being sun and sea (61%), followed by culture (12%) and nature (9%).
As for accommodation, four-star hotels are the preferred option for 29% of respondents, followed by rented accommodation (18%) and family or friends (13%).
In turn, 72% of holiday intentions are concentrated in stays up to seven nights, with most preferring the month of August to enjoy vacations. This study was based on 538 questionnaires, collected between May 10 and 30.
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